Approved proposals 2024 Period B
- 2024 Period B
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- 2008
Category G
- 24BG001
- Secondary structural analysis of Notch2nl-B, the protein involved in the enlargement of the cerebral cortex, by vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism
Tatsuhito Matsuo(Hiroshima International University) - 24BG002
- High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of transition metal dichalcogenides (MXY structure) superconductor
Kenya Shimada(Hiroshima University) - 24BG003
- Vertical CD instrument and measurement
Koichi Matsuo(Hiroshima University) - 24BG004
- Angle-resolved inverse-photoemission spectroscopy of FexTiS2
Hitoshi Sato(Hiroshima University) - 24BG005
- Fe 3d-derived dispersion of FexTiS2 observed by resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Hitoshi Sato(Hiroshima University) - 24BG006
- Temperature-dependent angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy of chiral metallic magnet GdNi3Ga9
Hitoshi Sato(Hiroshima University) - 24BG007
- Electronic structure of chiral metallic magnet GdNi3Ga9 studied by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy II
Hitoshi Sato(Hiroshima University) - 24BG008
- Molecular chain conductivity-dependent electronic relaxation dynamics explored by resonant electron spectroscopy
Shin-ichi Wada(Hiroshima University) - 24BG009
- Synthesis of supported biomembranes for membrane protein analysis platform evaluated by soft X-ray spectroscopy
Shin-ichi Wada(Hiroshima University) - 24BG010
- Systematic understanding of soft X-ray absorption spectra measured for surfaces with functional organic molecules
Shin-ichi Wada(Hiroshima University) - 24BG011
- Measurement of absorption spectra of aqueous DMSO solutions having strong absorption in the near ultraviolet region to explore the hydration structure of DMSO
Kazumasa Okada(Hiroshima University) - 24BG012
- Explore tunable charge density waves in GdSbxTe2-x
Haoxiang Li(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) - 24BG013
- Unveiling non-relativistic spin-split band structure in a potential altermagnetic Weyl semimetal GdAlSi
Jadupati Nag(Pennsylvania State University) - 24BG014
- Revealing the non-relativistic spin-split band structure in the prospective altermagnetic Weyl semimetal GdAlSi using spin-ARPES
Jadupati Nag(Pennsylvania State University) - 24BG015
- Structural Analysis of Artificially Designed Proteins
Yasufumi Umena(Nagoya University) - 24BG016
- Study of polymer/fullerene blend films using NEXAFS and RAS
Tetsuji Sekitani(Hiroshima University) - 24BG017
- Electron-boson coupling effect of novel antiferromagnets RuO2
Junzhang Ma(City University of Hong Kong) - 24BG018
- ARPES study on a tunable Dirac semimetal with antiferromagnetic order
Ke Deng(Southern University of Science and Technology) - 24BG019
- Structural and conformational analysis of surfactin-producing bacteria via synchrotron radiation circular dichroism
Abdelrahman Mosaad Khattab(Al-Azhar University) - 24BG020
- Exploring the conformational dynamics of peptide-based hydrogels and their influence on self-assembly
AVERLANT-PETIT Marie Christine(Unversité de Lorraine/CNRS) - 24BG021
- Synchrotron-radiation circular-dichroism spectroscopy: revealing structural dynamics of mycosporine-like amino acids
Mohamed Ibrahim(Hiroshima University) - 24BG022
- Study on metal-insulator transition in Y1-xCaxTiO3 using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Masashi Arita(Hiroshima University) - 24BG023
- Conduction-band electronic states of Dy-TM metallic glasses having thermal rejuvenation effect II
Shinya Hosokawa(Kumamoto University) - 24BG024
- Valence-band electronic states of Dy-TM metallic glasses having thermal rejuvenation effect II
Shinya Hosokawa(Kumamoto University)
Category U
- 24BU001
- Conformational analysis of chiral hydrogen isotopomers by the measurement of circular dichroism
Tsuneomi Kawasaki (Tokyo University of Science) - 24BU002
- An electric state analysis of bcc-Cu by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Naoka Nagamura (National Institute for Materials Science) - 24BU003
- A laser spin ARPES study of antiferromagnetic thin films
Yuita Fujisawa (Hiroshima University) - 24BU004
- A laser spin ARPES study of Heusler alloythin films
Akio Kimura (Hiroshima University) - 24BU005
- Stractural studies by scanning VUV-CD of around 40 years human skin section samples
Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University) - 24BU006
- Observation of spin splitting on NiS2 by high-resolution spin-resolved APRES
Shin-ichiro Ideta (Hiroshima University) - 24BU007
- Synchrotron-radiation circular-dichroism spectroscopy: revealing how novel indole derivatives affect proteins and nucleic acids in cancer cells
Mohamed Salem Labib (Tanta University) - 24BU008
- Efficiency improvement of spin-resolved ARPES experiments using measurement informatics
Hideaki Iwasawa (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) - 24BU009
- Research on electrode materials for lithium-ion battery 4s
Hiroki Miyaoka (Hiroshima University) - 24BU010
- Investigation of topological surface states of Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 on uncleavable surfaces by micro-spin-ARPES
Taichi Okuda (Hiroshima University) - 24BU011
- Probing electronic structure of low dimensional magnetic materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Arakadeb Pal (University of Groningen)