Seminar & Symposium
- Seminar & Symposium
- HiSOR Seminar
HiSOR Seminar
- Jan. 27. 2025
Perspectives and Challenges of Lightwave ARPES
Ulrich Höfer(Philipps University of Marburg / Germany and Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy (RUN))
- Jan. 20. 2025

Ryuji Itakura(National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)

Nobuhisa Ishii(National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)

Tomoyuki Endo(National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Dec. 12. 2024

Kiyotaka Asakura(Ritsumeikan University)
- Dec. 9. 2024

Tatsuya Shishidou(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Nov. 27. 2024
C80 Endofullerenes: Small magnetoelectric Bits
Thomas Greber(University of Zürich)
- Nov. 25. 2024
Transition metals dihalides: from 2D magnetism to metal-organic hybrids
Martina Corso(Center for Materials Physics)
- Nov. 19. 2024

Kazushi Mimura(Hiroshima City University)
- Nov. 18. 2024

Masato Okada(The University of Tokyo)

Maho Motegi(The University of Tokyo)
- Nov. 5. 2024
From Chiral Electronics to Mottness in Momentum Space
Niels Schroeter(Max Plank Institute - Haller)
- Nov. 1. 2024
Ultrafast phenomena and the related techniques: beyond pump-probe scheme
Kenta Kuroda(Hiroshima University)
- Oct. 28. 2024
4d and 5d magnetic oxides developed by machine-learning-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
Yuki K. Wakabayashi(NTT Basic Research Laboratories)
- July 23. 2024

Ken Terao(Osaka University)
- July 22. 2024

Kentaro Totsu(Tohoku University)
- June 21. 2024
Competing charge density waves in a van der Waals antiferromagnet CeTe3
Yuita Fujisawa (Hiroshima University)
- Dec. 11. 2023
Transferring Chiral Information between Objects with different dimensions
Reiko Oda (Institute of Chemistry and Biology of Membranes and Nano-objects(CNRS) / Tohoku University)
- Nov. 30. 2023

Nobumasa Funamori (Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Nov. 14. 2023

Hiroki Wadati (University of Hyogo)
- Nov. 8. 2023
Two-dimensional heavy fermion in a monoatomic-layer Kondo lattice YbCu2
Shin-ichi Kimura(Osaka University and Institute for Molecular Science)
- Oct. 13. 2023
Surface-sensitive property of photoemission spectroscopy analyzed by the photoemission simulator SPADExp: observation of electronic structures with broken screw-rotational symmetry
Hiroaki Tanaka (The University of Tokyo)
- Sep. 22. 2023
Synchrotron Radiation (Vacuum UltraViolet) Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy for Elucidating Protein Structure and Function
Bonnie A. Wallace (Birkbeck University of London)
- Aug. 4. 2023
Strongly Anisotropic Spin and Orbital Rashba Effect at a Tellurium - Noble Metal Interface
Begmuhammet Geldiyev (University of Würzburg)
- July 19. 2023
Combining the Power of High-Throughput Ab Initio Calculations and Machine Learning towards Materials Informatics
Gian-Marco Rignanese (Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium))
- June. 9. 2023

Tetsuya Narushima(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT))
- Feb. 28. 2023
Chiral topology: from discovery to recent developments
Kaustuv Manna(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
- Feb. 3. 2023
Local and Nonlocal lectron and Spin Dynamics of Au/Fe/MgO(001) Analyzed by Pump-Probe Experiments
Uwe Bovensiepen(Faculty of Physics and Center for Nanointegration (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Nov. 24. 2022
Electron-phonon coupling from first-principles
Samuel Poncé(Université catholique de Louvain)
- Oct. 27. 2022
Bayesian inference study of electron-phonon interaction from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Thomas Petrus van Waas(Université catholique de Louvain)
- July 26. 2022
Peculiar electronic states in IrTe2 probed by synchrotron radiation spectroscopy
Takashi Mizokawa(Waseda University)
- July 11. 2022
Two-dimensional Ferromagnetic Extension of a Topological Insulator
Philipp Kagerer(University of Würzburg)
- July 8. 2022
Contradictions and conundrums of the cuprate phase diagram
William Sacks(Sorbonne University – Science and Engineering / Okayama University)
- Feb. 21.2022

Tomoe Kishimoto(Computing Research Center, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Jan. 19. 2022
Recent developments on spatially-resolved ARPES
Hideaki Iwasawa(National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
- Nov. 9. 2021
Overview of Past & Current Scientific Researches for Prominent Future Studies at HiSOR
Mohamed Ibrahim(HiSOR)
- Oct. 26. 2021
Visualizing the ultrafast phenomena by pump-probe transmission electron microscopy
Takahiro Shimojima(RIKEN CEMS)
- July 26. 2021
Putting more information on spin-ARPES: from meV energy-resolution to fs time-resolution
Kenta Kuroda(The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
- June 28. 2021
Introduction to the contrarian usage of two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy
Fumihiko Matsui(UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, Institute for Molecular Science)
- Mar. 24. 2020
Attosecond Coherent Control of the Photoexcitation of Helium Atoms by Synchrotron Radiation
Tatsuo Kaneyasu(The Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center)
- Jan. 31. 2020

Miho Shimada(the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization / Hiroshima University)
Yosuke Honda(the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Jan. 24. 2020
Introduction to ferromagnetic spinel system and HP-HT synthesis
Yogendra Kumar(The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Dec. 2. 2019
Belle II Commissioning, First Results, and Future Prospects
Zachary J. Liptak(University of Hawaii)
- Nov. 21. 2019

Hisashi Okumura(Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, National Institutes of Natural Sciences)
- Nov. 19. 2019
Synchrotron IR nanospectroscopy - novel detection and measurement schemes
Bernd Kaestner(PTB, Metrology Light Source ,Germany)
- Oct. 16. 2019
Herbal medicine, radical scavenger and metal detoxification: bioinorganic, complexity and nano science perspectives
Sutiman B. Sumitro(Laboratory of Cell, Molecular and Nano Biology, Brawijaya University)
- Oct. 8. 2019

Ken Terao(Osaka University)
- Aug. 26. 2019

Keiki Fukumoto(the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Mar. 6. 2019
Epitaxial nanofilms for oxide spintronics
Nikolai Sokolov(Ioffe Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Oct. 25. 2018
Pressure studies on K2Cr8O16 using neutrons and muons
Yasmine Sassa(Uppsala University)
- Aug. 6. 2018
Emergent Quantum Phenomena in Correlated Materials
Junfeng He (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Mar. 14. 2018

Naoto Yamamoto(the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)

Miho Shimada(the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Feb. 23. 2018
Nanoparticles: exquisite tools to improve radiation based therapies
Sandrine Lacombe(University Paris-Sud, CNRS. Orsay (France))
Radiation Damage to DNA Induced by K-shell Electron Ionizations
Kentaro Fujii(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Dec. 18. 2017
Magnetotransport properties of Dirac nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS
Mario Novak(Faculty of science, University of Zagreb)
- Dec. 7. 2017
Physical Aspects of ParticleGeneration Target for Accelerator
Jan Peter Sievers(a honor member of CERN)
- July 25. 2017
Novel two-dimensional electron systems at the surface of transition-metal oxides
Andrés F. Santander-Syro(CSNSM, Université Paris-Sud / Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center (HSRC), Hiroshima University)
- July 10. 2017
"Heavy Fermions" as observed by photoemission and interpreted by the "PAM"
Konrad Matho (Institut Néel)
- June 2. 2017

Tadashi Kamiyama(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University)
- Apr. 21. 2017

Michiya Fujiki(Graduate School of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
- Nov. 16. 2016

Hiroki Wadati(The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
- Nov. 14. 2016
The electronic structure of FeSe in the nematic phase
M. D. Watson(Diamond Light Source)
- May 20. 2016

Masaki Takata(Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University)
- Apr. 20. 2016

Development and application of a magnetic neutron lens with modulating permanent magnet sextupole
Masako Yamada(Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Jan. 15. 2016
Putting a new spin on unoccupied electronic states
Markus Donath(Physikalisches Institut, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany)
- Dec. 3. 2015

Masato Koike (JAEA)
- Nov. 13. 2015
Tailoring of Spin-Split Metallic Surface States of 2D Alloys and Compounds on Silicon
Alexander A. Saranin(Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Vladivostok, Russia)
- Oct. 26. 2015
Combined Grazing-Incidence X-ray diffraction and Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/SrTiO3(001) thin films
Germán R. Castro(SpLine Spanish CRG BM25 Beamline at the ESRF, and Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid-ICMM/CSIC)
- Sep. 4. 2015
Progress in Absolute Stereochemical Determination of Organic Molecules via Exciton Coupled Circular Dichroism
Babak Borhan(Michigan State University)
Lessons from Rhodopsin and Bacteriorhdopsin: Engineered protein/chromophore systems with unique spectroscopic properties
Babak Borhan(Michigan State University)
- July 21. 2015
Spin-resolved momentum microscopy of strongly correlated electron systems and topological insulators
Christian Tusche(Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik)
- Feb. 25. 2015

Hiroyuki Hama(Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University)
- Dec. 1. 2014
Competing orders at the interfaces of complex oxide heterostructures
Vivek K. Malik(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
- Nov. 21. 2014
XMCD/XRMR Study of Magnetic Proximity Effects in FM(Co, Ni) - AFM(MnF2, NiF2) Heterostructures
Vladimir V. Fedorov(Ioffe Physical-Technical institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Nov. 8. 2014

Hiroshi Sakai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
- Nov. 7. 2014
Nonmagnetic adatoms at the Bi2Se3 surface: adsorption, diffusion, intercalation and electronic structure from first principles calculations
Mikhail M. Otrokov (Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Tomsk State University)
- July 7. 2014
The BiAg2 surface alloy: electron scattering and inertness
Jorge Lobo-Checa (Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC/UPV-EHU) - Materials Physics Center)
- June 2. 2014
Novel 2D electron gases at the surface of transition-metal oxides: role of topology and spin-orbit coupling
Andrés F. Santander-Syro (CSNSM - Université Paris-Sud(France))
- Apr. 17. 2014
Present and future challenges: metallorganic nanostructures and inorganic low dimensional systems
Emilia Annese (Elettra S.p.C.A synchrotron)
- Mar. 19. 2014.

Hideaki Iwasawa (Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University)

Kouji Miyamoto (Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University)

Koichiro Suekuni (Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University)
- Feb. 24. 2014
Spin-orbit-induced spin polarization on W(110)
Henry Wortelen (Physikalisches Institut, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster)
- Dec. 12. 2013
Tunable spin-orbit effects in graphene and topological insulators
Andrei Varykhalov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, BESSY II, Germany)
- Nov. 22. 2013
What can Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy reveal about the structure of proteins?
Parvez I. Haris (De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom)
- July 24. 2013
Topologically non-trivial surface states studied by synchrotron-radiation ARPES
Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
- June 27. 2013
Lateral electron scattering investigated with curved surfaces
Enrique Ortega (University of Basque country UPV / EHU)
- June 10. 2013
Laser-SARPES and Spin Textures in a Topological Insulator
Chaoyu Chen (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Mar. 25. 2013

Shinichiro Tanaka (The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)
- November 9. 2012

Atsuo Kawasuso (JAEA)
- October 30. 2012
Electron-phonon coupling in the presence of charge-orbital ordering in magnetite Fe3O4
Moritz Hoesch (Diamond Light Source)
- September 27. 2012

Masato Koike (JAEA)
- May 17. 2012
Calculation of angle-resolved photo-emission spectra within the one-step model of photo-emission - recent developments
Hubert Ebert (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Department Chemie)
- May 7. 2012
Temperature dependent spectral weight near the Fermi level of NdNiO3 thin films
Eike F. Schwier (Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University)
- Dec. 6. 2011
Electrical and optical spin detection in ferromagnetic-semiconductor structures and Self-passivated properties of (0001)Bi2[Te(Se)]3 topological insulators
Oleg E. Tereshchenko (Institute of Semiconductor Physics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University)
- Dec. 5. 2011

Hiroshi Nishimura (LBNL)
- Dec. 1. 2011
Trapped Antihydrogen - Stable, Neutral Antimatter
Jeffrey S. Hangst (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, and Spokesperson, the ALPHA collaboration at CERN)
- Nov. 16. 2011
The electronic structure of Heusler compounds and how to measure it
Gerhard H. Fecher (Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Johannes Gutenberg - University)
- Oct. 31. 2011

Tomohiro Matsushita (JASRI/SPring-8)
- Oct. 19. 2011
Optical Control of Field Emission Sites and Mechanism of Ultrafast Laser-induced Field Emission
Hirofumi Yanagisawa (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Oct. 19. 2011
Stacked Washer Einzel Lens Systems for Ion Beam Transport with High Space Charge Intensity
Steven M. Lund (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Oct. 19. 2011
Intense Heavy Ion Beam Experiments at LBNL
Peter A. Seidl (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Jul. 19. 2011
Large Hadron Collider -- Status and Future Plans
Frank Zimmermann (CERN)
- Jul. 11. 2011
Attosecond Physics - The ideal probe for the fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
Claudio Cirelli (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Jul. 11. 2011

Toshiya Tanabe (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- May 30. 2011
Order-Disorder Transitions for Au/Mo(112)
Keisuke Fukutani (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Mar. 15. 201

Keisuke Kobayashi (NIMS)
- Jan. 24. 2011
Resonant Photoelectron Diffraction (RXPD)
Thomas Greber (University of Zurich)
- Dec. 9. 2010

Akito Kakizaki(The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
- Dec. 7. 2010

Goro Isoyama(The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)
- May 20. 2010

Kunihiko Gekko (Hiroshima University)
- May 13. 2010

Shinya Yagi (Nagoya University)
- Mar. 25. 2010
Empty electron states -and what they tell about magnetism
Markus Donath (Physikalisches Institut, Westflische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
- Mar. 18. 2010
The Kondo resonance in photoemission spectroscopy
Friedrich T. Reinert (Würzburg University)
- Jan. 28. 2010
Bring nanowires down to the real bottom:atomic wires on silicon surfaces
Han Woong Yeom (CAWL, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea))
- Nov. 27. 2009

Migaku Oda (Hokkaido University)
- Nov. 16. 2009
Initial Kinetic Distributions for Simulation of Charged Particle Beams in Accelerators with High Space-Charge Intensity
Steven M. Lund (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Oct. 9. 2009
Scattering of electrons in image-potential states
Thomas Fauster (Chair of Solid-State Physics University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
- Oct. 5. 2009
Gradually Changing the Substrate: Influence on Adsorption Processes and Electronic Structure
Frank Forster (Universitaet Würzburg)
- Sep. 28. 2009
Laser-Electron Storage Ring, Optical Stochastic Cooling, and Scaling Law for Electron Cooling vs. Intrabeam Scattering
Peicheng Yu (Tsinghua University)
- July 16. 2009

Hirosuke Sumida (MAZDA Motor Corporation)
- June 18. 2009

Eiji Ikenaga (JASRI)
- June 8. 2009
Electronic properties of iron arsenic superconductors revealed by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Takeshi Kondo (Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy Iowa State University)
- Apr. 23. 2009
Coherent x-rays and the structure of disordered materials
J. Murray Gibson (Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jan. 14. 2009
From Röntgen to the X-ray Laser The Evolution of X-ray Sources & Science over 100 Years
Herman Winick (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Dec. 12. 2008
Carbon Therapy Facility at Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical center
Satoru Yamada (Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center)
- Oct. 27. 2008
Laser and Low-Energy ARPES Studies of Superconducting Cuprates
Nicholas C. Plumb (University of Colorado at Boulder)
- July 23. 2008
Photo-induced phase transition and excitonic instability in transition-metal compounds with orbital degeneracy
Takashi Mizokawa (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
- June 13. 2008

Kazuhito Ohmi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
- May 23. 2008
An Introduction to Cancer Therapy with Hadron Radiation
Andrew M. Sessler (Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Apr. 18. 2008

Tsuyoshi Suwada (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
- Feb. 4. 2008
Photoemission studies of strongly correlated electron systems
Markus Klein (Universitaet Würzburg)
- Jan. 25. 2008
Beam Physics Lab. & HiSOR Combination Seminar (1st)
Hiroshi Kawata (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK), Masahiro Yamamoto (Nagoya University)