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2025 年
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2020 年
2019 年
2018 年
2017 年
2016 年
2015 年
2014 年
- Dec. 1. 2014
Competing orders at the interfaces of complex oxide heterostructures
Vivek K. Malik(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
- Nov. 21. 2014
XMCD/XRMR Study of Magnetic Proximity Effects in FM(Co, Ni) - AFM(MnF2, NiF2) Heterostructures
Vladimir V. Fedorov(Ioffe Physical-Technical institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Nov. 8. 2014
次世代光源に向けた超伝導加速空洞の開発現状 -Compact ERLの現状と今後の超伝導空洞の課題と挑戦-
阪井 寛志(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 加速器研究施設)
- Nov. 7. 2014
Nonmagnetic adatoms at the Bi2Se3 surface: adsorption, diffusion, intercalation and electronic structure from first principles calculations
Mikhail M. Otrokov(Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Tomsk State University)
- July 7. 2014
The BiAg2 surface alloy: electron scattering and inertness
Jorge Lobo-Checa(Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC/UPV-EHU) - Materials Physics Center)
- June 2. 2014
Novel 2D electron gases at the surface of transition-metal oxides: role of topology and spin-orbit coupling
Andrés F. Santander-Syro(CSNSM - Université Paris-Sud(France))
- Apr. 17. 2014
Present and future challenges: metallorganic nanostructures and inorganic low dimensional systems
Emilia Annese(Elettra S.p.C.A synchrotron)
- Mar. 19. 2014
岩澤 英明(放射光科学研究センター)
宮本 幸治(放射光科学研究センター)
末國 晃一郎(先端物質科学研究科)
- Feb. 24. 2014
Spin-orbit-induced spin polarization on W(110)
Henry Wortelen(Physikalisches Institut, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster)
2013 年
- Dec. 12. 2013
Tunable spin-orbit effects in graphene and topological insulators
Andrei Varykhalov(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, BESSY II, Germany)
- Nov. 22. 2013
What can Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy reveal about the structure of proteins?
Parvez I. Haris(De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom)
- July 24. 2013
Topologically non-trivial surface states studied by synchrotron-radiation ARPES
大坪 嘉之(Synchrotron SOLEIL)
- June 27. 2013
Lateral electron scattering investigated with curved surfaces
Enrique Ortega(University of Basque country UPV / EHU)
- June 10. 2013
Laser-SARPES and Spin Textures in a Topological Insulator
Chaoyu Chen(Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Mar. 25. 2013
田中 慎一郎(大阪大学産業科学研究所)
2012 年
- Nov. 9. 2012
河裾 厚男(日本原子力研究開発機構先端基礎研究センター)
- Oct. 30. 2012
Electron-phonon coupling in the presence of charge-orbital ordering in magnetite Fe3O4
Moritz Hoesch(Diamond Light Source)
- Sep. 10. 2012
小池 雅人(日本原子力研究開発機構 量子ビーム応用研究部門)
- May 17. 2012
Calculation of angle-resolved photo-emission spectra within the one-step model of photo-emission - recent developments
Hubert Ebert(Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Department Chemie)
- May 7. 2012
Temperature dependent spectral weight near the Fermi level of NdNiO3 thin films
Eike F. Schwier(広島大学放射光科学研究センター)
2011 年
- Dec. 6. 2011
Electrical and optical spin detection in ferromagnetic-semiconductor structures and Self-passivated properties of (0001)Bi2[Te(Se)]3 topological insulators
Oleg E. Tereshchenko (Institute of Semiconductor Physics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University)
- Dec. 5. 2011
加速器設計・解析・制御プログラムの開発と変遷-LBNL ALSでの四半世紀-
西村 弘志(Lawrence Berkeley国立研究所 (LBNL))
- Dec. 1. 2011
Trapped Antihydrogen - Stable, Neutral Antimatter
Jeffrey S. Hangst(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, and Spokesperson, the ALPHA collaboration at CERN)
- Nov. 16. 2011
The electronic structure of Heusler compounds and how to measure it
Gerhard H. Fecher(Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Johannes Gutenberg - University)
- Oct. 31. 2011
松下 智裕(高輝度光科学研究センター)
- Oct. 19. 2011
Optical Control of Field Emission Sites and Mechanism of Ultrafast Laser-induced Field Emission
Hirofumi Yanagisawa(ETH Zurich)
- Oct. 19. 2011
Stacked Washer Einzel Lens Systems for Ion Beam Transport with High Space Charge Intensity
Steven M. Lund(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Oct. 19. 2011
Intense Heavy Ion Beam Experiments at LBNL
Peter A. Seidl(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Jul. 19. 2011
Large Hadron Collider -- Status and Future Plans
Frank Zimmermann(CERN)
- Jul. 11. 2011
Attosecond Physics - The ideal probe for the fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
Claudio Cirelli (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Jul. 11. 2011
NSLS-II 放射光施設の建設、現状報告
田辺 敏也(NSLS-II/BNL)
- May 30. 2011
Order-Disorder Transitions for Au/Mo(112)
Keisuke Fukutani (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Mar. 15. 2011
小林 啓介(物質・材料研究機構)
- Jan. 24. 2011
Resonant Photoelectron Diffraction (RXPD)
Thomas Greber (University of Zurich)
2010 年
- Dec. 9. 2010
柿崎 明人(東京大学物性研究所)
- Dec. 7. 2010
磯山 悟朗(大阪大学産業科学研究所)
- May 20. 2010
月向 邦彦(広島大学)
- May 13. 2010
八木 伸也(名古屋大学大学院工学研究科)
- Mar. 25. 2010
Empty electron states -and what they tell about magnetism
Markus Donath (Physikalisches Institut, Westflische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
- Mar. 18. 2010
The Kondo resonance in photoemission spectroscopy
Friedrich T. Reinert(Würzburg University)
- Jan. 28. 2010
Bring nanowires down to the real bottom:atomic wires on silicon surfaces
Han Woong Yeom(CAWL, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea))
2009 年
- Nov. 27. 2009
小田 研(北海道大学大学院理学研究院)
- Nov. 16. 2009
Initial Kinetic Distributions for Simulation of Charged Particle Beams in Accelerators with High Space-Charge Intensity
Steven M. Lund(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Oct. 9. 2009
Scattering of electrons in image-potential states
Thomas Fauster(Chair of Solid-State Physics University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
- Oct. 5. 2009
Gradually Changing the Substrate: Influence on Adsorption Processes and Electronic Structure
Frank Forster(Universitaet Würzburg)
- Sep. 28. 2009
Laser-Electron Storage Ring, Optical Stochastic Cooling, and Scaling Law for Electron Cooling vs. Intrabeam Scattering
Peicheng Yu(清華大学)
- July 16. 2009
住田 弘祐(マツダ技術研究所)
- June 18. 2009
池永 英司(高輝度光科学研究センター)
- June 8. 2009
Electronic properties of iron arsenic superconductors revealed by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Takeshi Kondo(Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy Iowa State University)
- Apr. 23. 2009
Coherent x-rays and the structure of disordered materials
J. Murray Gibson(Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jan. 14. 2009
From Röntgen to the X-ray Laser The Evolution of X-ray Sources & Science over 100 Years
Herman Winick(Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
2008 年
- Dec. 12. 2008
群馬大学重粒子線照射施設 Carbon Therapy Facility at Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical center
山田 聰(群馬大学 重粒子線医学研究センター)
- Oct. 27. 2008
Laser and Low-Energy ARPES Studies of Superconducting Cuprates
Nicholas C. Plumb(University of Colorado at Boulder)
- July 23. 2008
Photo-induced phase transition and excitonic instability in transition-metal compounds with orbital degeneracy
溝川 貴司(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科)
- June 13. 2008
大見 和史(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 加速器研究施設)
- May 23. 2008
An Introduction to Cancer Therapy with Hadron Radiation
Andrew M. Sessler(ローレンスバークレー国立研究所)
- Apr. 18. 2008
諏訪田 剛(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 加速器研究施設)
- Feb. 4. 2008
Photoemission studies of strongly correlated electron systems
Markus Klein (Universität Würzburg)
- Jan. 25. 2008
河田 洋 (高エネルギー加速器研究機構 ERL推進室)・山本 将博(名古屋大学 理学研究科)
2007 年
- Dec. 14. 2007
Carbon Therapy Facility at Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center
山田 聰(群馬大学重粒子線医学研究センター)
- May 14. 2007
Giant Kohn Anomaly in Charge Density Wave ZrTe3
Moritz Hoesch(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
2006 年
- Dec. 18. 2006
Matrix element effects in angle resolved photoemission: towards a quantitative interpretation of the photoemission spectra intensities
Mattia Mulazzi(ISSP, University of Tokyo)
- Dec. 7. 2006
Photoemission Studies of the Evolution of Correlated Systems with Carrier Doping : Cuprates vs. Ruthenates
Kyle Shen(University of British Columbia)
- Oct. 20. 2006
A Fourth Generation Synchrotron Facility
Andrew M. Sessler(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Sep. 28. 2006
橋新 裕一(近畿大学大学院総合理工学研究科)
- Sep. 13. 2006
佐々木 実(山形大学理学部物理学科)
- Aug. 28. 2006
Spin-Dependent Image-Potential States in front of Ferromagnets - Observer States for Magnetization Dynamics
Anke.B. Schmidt(Max Born Institute, Berlin)
- Apr. 26. 2006
Structural and charge ordering effects in Bi-cuprates
Christoph Janowitz(東京大学物性研究所(Humboldt University, Berlin))
- Jan. 20. 2006
Nanomagnetism on artificially made single crystalline substrates
Xiaofeng Jin(Surface Physics Laboratory, Fudan University)
- Jan. 20. 2006
田辺 英二((株)エーイーティー)
2004 年
- Nov. 12. 2004
Possible quantum critical point in ultra-overdoped high-Tc superconductors --- Evidence from angle resolved photoemission measurements
D.L. Feng(Department of Physics, Fudan University Shanghai, China)
- Oct. 4. 2004
Polaron band collapse in materials with strong electron-lattice interaction:intercalation compounds MxTiX2, LaMnO3, HTSC copper oxides.
S.G. Titova(ロシア科学アカデミー・ウラル冶金研究所)
- June 24. 2004
住田 弘祐(マツダ(株) 技術研究所)
- June 10. 2004
宇山 親雄(広島国際大学保健医療学部)
- May 27. 2004
杉山 進(立命館大学理工学部)
- Apr. 8. 2004
高田 恭孝(独立行政法人 理化学研究所)
- Apr. 8. 2004
中島 伸夫(弘前大学 理工学部)
- Jan. 16. 2004
筒井 裕士(住友重機械工業(株) 技術開発センター)
2003 年
- Dec. 16. 2003
Direct observation of Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid state in carbon nanotubes at low temperatures
石井 廣義(東京都立大学大学院理学研究科)
- July 8. 2003
Spin-resolved Fermi surface mapping
Moritz Hoesch(Swiss Light source)
- Jan. 30. 2003
筒井 裕士(住友重機械工業(株) 技術開発センター)
2002 年
- Nov. 18. 2002
石井 廣義(東京都立大学大学院理学研究科)
- Nov. 7. 2002
Status of the Kurchtov SR Center and Scientific Program in VUV and X-ray
Vladimir G. Stankevich(Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute)
- July 16. 2002
曽田 一雄(名古屋大学大学院工学研究科)
- June 12. 2002
Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Study at the L2,3 Edges of Rare-Earth Ions
Fernando Bartolome(サラゴサ大学理学部)
- June 12. 2002
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
Jesus Chaboy Nalda(サラゴサ大学 アラゴン物質科学研究所)
- Jan. 18. 2002
Manifestation of weak to strong correlations in the photoemission spectra of solids
Friedridch Th. Reinert(ザールラント大学)
2001 年
- Oct. 5. 2001
Electronic Structure of CrO2
Di-Jing Huang(Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
- Sep. 27. 2001
Quantization of Electronic States in Au and Gd Films on W(110)
Oliver Rader(BESSY, Berlin)
- Aug. 6. 2001
Electronic and magnetic structures of Sr2FeMoO6 and related compounds
Dipanker Das Sarma(インド国立科学研究所)
- June 22. 2001
Surface Doping in Semimagnetic Semiconductors
Bronislaw Adam Orlowski(ポーランド科学アカデミー)
2000 年
- Nov. 22. 2000
Spin Polarized momentum density measurements in ferro/ferri-magnetic systems using Magnetic Compton Scattering
Jonathan William Taylor(Department of Physics, The University of Warwick)
1999 年
- Jan. 14. 1999
Cyclotron Resonance Masers and Free Electron Lasers at Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
V. L. Bratman(Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
1998 年
- Nov. 24. 1998
木村 昭夫(東京大学物性研究所)
- Nov. 17. 1998
加藤 政博(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所)
- Nov. 6. 1998
Orbital occupation and transitions in V2O3
Tjeng Liu Hao(Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Groningen)
- Sep. 17. 1998
Simulation of Beam Steering Phenomena in Beat Crystals
Valeriy Biryukov(Institute for High Energy Physics, Russia)
- May 6. 1998
V. G. Stankevitch(クルチャトフ放射光)