
ビーム物理・HiSOR 合同セミナー

Physical Aspects of Particle Generation Target for Accelerator

日時 2017年12月7日 (木) 15:00~16:00
場所 先端物質科学研究科 403N
講師 Jan Peter Sievers
(a honor member of CERN)

 The particle accelerator has been a strong thrust for scientific studies in the last century and the presence is increased in the 21st century. Higgs particle discovery by LHC was a big step in the particle physics. The ideal X-ray light source (Xray Free Electron Laser) is now ready for use in over the world. Spallation neutron source opens the new science with the high intensity and pulsed neutron beam. A new generation e+ e- linear colliders (ILC, CLIC, FCC, and CEPC) is seriously e+ considered to be built. In the accelerators, particles which are not densely found in nature, can be generated by interaction in a target with the beam. The operability of the target gives a limit on the beam intensity. To provide an enough amount of beam, understanding on the phenomena in the production target is essential. In the seminar, various physical aspects in the particle production target is discussed.

問合せ先 栗木雅夫(先端物質科学研究科)