

Introduction to ferromagnetic spinel system and HP-HT synthesis

日時 2020年1月24日 (金) 16:00-
場所 放射光科学研究センター 2階 セミナー室
講師 Yogendra Kumar
(The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

The family of spinels have been investigated since late 60s and some of Cr-chalcogenide found to be simultaneously ferromagnetic and semiconducting. The interaction between electronic transport and magnetic state offers the exciting possibility of constructing modern electronic devices. In view of the high TC requirement, the Cr-based chalcogenide spinel ACr2X4 (A=Cu, Cd, etc. and X=S, Se, Te) are potentially attractive candidates. The compound CuCr2Se4 exhibits a large magneto-optical Kerr effect in the near-infrared photon energy region at room temperature, which makes this compound a promising candidate for magneto-optical devices. Moreover, recent band structure calculations indicate that CuCr2Se4 is almost half-metallic and the density of states for spin-down electrons can be fully suppressed by doping, i.e. a perfect half-metallic situation can be realized. In this presentation, I will review some of Cr-chalcogenide spinels and talk about their interesting properties. I will also try to highlight the high-pressure and high-temperature (HP-HT) material synthesis.

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問合せ先 島田賢也(放射光科学研究センター)