

Contradictions and conundrums of the cuprate phase diagram

日時 2022年7月8日 (金) 10:00~12:00頃
場所 広島大学放射光科学研究センター 2階 セミナー室 及び オンライン(Zoom形式)
講師 William Sacks
(Sorbonne University – Science and Engineering / Okayama University)

Over the last few decades, the temperature-doping (T-p) phase diagram is still debated. Two distinct classes of phase diagrams have emerged depending on the interpretation of the ‘pseudogap’ line T* and whether or not it crosses the Tc dome, and extrapolates to some critical doping value.

We will pass in review the pseudogap phase, the T* line, the nodal and antinodal pairing gaps, as a function of p, pointing out the agreements and contradictions. The discussion will draw upon various experimental techniques such as ARPES and tunneling, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR Knight shift. Thankfully, a ‘universal’ phase diagram does indeed emerge.

Finally, the ‘pairon’ concept for cuprate superconductivity, and its connection to the phase diagram, will be discussed.

問合せ先 島田賢也、出田真一郎(放射光科学研究センター