

Synchrotron Radiation (Vacuum UltraViolet) Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy for Elucidating Protein Structure and Function

日時 2023年9月22日 (金) 13:30~14:30
場所 広島大学放射光科学研究センター 2階 セミナー室
講師 Bonnie A. Wallace
(Birkbeck University of London, UK)

SRCD/VUVCD spectroscopy is a method that is now widely used for the characterisation of proteins, as the low wavelength data that can be obtained at synchrotron beamlines provide novel additional and important information (when compared with studies using bespoke lab-based CD instruments) on the structure, function and dynamics of proteins in solution, membranes and dehydrated films).

In addition to discussing our recent studies using SRCD/VUVCD to investigate intrinsically- disordered proteins and membrane proteins, I will describe the new analytical/computational tools and resources for CD spectroscopy which we have developed and integrated into our new DichroPipline software [1]. Its aim is to facilitate characterisations and cross-technique information on soluble, membrane and disordered proteins [2-5].

[1] Janes, R.W. and Wallace, B.A. The DichroPipeline: A suite of online and downloadable tools and resources for protein circular dichroism spectroscopic data analyses, interpretations, and their interoperability with other bioinformatics tools and resources, submitted.
[2] Miles A.J., Drew, Drew, E.D., and Wallace, B.A. (2023) DichroIDP: A method for analyses of intrinsically disordered proteins using circular dichroism spectroscopy. Commun Biol 6, 823 (2023).
[3] Ramalli, S.G., Miles, A.J., Janes, R.W., and Wallace, B.A. (2022) The PCDDB (Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank): A bioinformatics resource for protein characterisations and methods development. J. Mol. Biol. 434:167441.
[4] Miles, A.J., Ramalli, S.G., and Wallace, B.A. (2022) DichroWeb, a website for calculating protein secondary structure from circular dichroism spectroscopic data. Protein Science 31:37-34.
[5] Miles, A.J., Janes, R.W., and Wallace B.A. (2021) Tools and methods for circular dichroism spectroscopy of proteins: a tutorial review. Chem. Soc. Rev. 50: 8400-8413.
[6] Wallace, B.A. (2020) The role of circular dichroism spectroscopy in the era of integrative structural biology. Curr. Opin. Structural Biology 58:191-196.

問合せ先 松尾光一(放射光科学研究センター)