- Progress in materials science and synchrotron radiation -

Hiroshima University Faculty Club, February 28-March 1, 2013.

Best Student Poster Award

We are pleased to announce that the best student poster awards have been given to four young students for their outstanding scientific research and excellent poster presentation.

Yue Cao
University of Colorado at Boulder
Switch of Coupled Spin-Orbital Texture In Topological Insulators
Chie Tsukada
Nagoya University
Radiation damage of L-cysteine adsorbates on gold nanoparticle occurred by X-ray in the regions of N- and O- K edges
Takuya Warashina
Hiroshima University
Electronic structure of one-dimensional Au quantum-wire on ferromagnetic Ni(110)
Ryu Yukawa
The University of Tokyo
Study of Hydrogen-induced Metallization and Band-Gap Narrowing on the ZnO Surface

Best student poster award winners, from right; Ryu Yukawa, Takuya Warashina, Yue Cao, Chie Tsukada.


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