

Recent developments on spatially-resolved ARPES

日時 2022年1月19日 (水) 13:35~15:00頃
場所 オンライン(Zoom形式)
講師 Hideaki Iwasawa
(National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is one of the most powerful tools in modern materials science because it allows us to observe electronic states that are deeply related to the physical properties of materials. Accordingly, considerable efforts have been devoted to advancing the ARPES technique and instruments [1]. Among the latest advanced ARPES techniques, spatially-resolved ARPES has recently attracted growing interest because of its capability to obtain local electronic information at the micro- or nano-metric length scales by focusing an incident light [2, 3].

In this seminar, I will introduce spatially-resolved ARPES instruments developed at Diamond Light Source and their capability to investigate the electronic inhomogeneity on the surface in Y-based high-Tc cuprates [4-6]. In addition, I will also present machine-learning-based analysis methods for automatically classifying a large amount of ARPES data by spectral features [7].

[1] J. A. Sobota, Y. He, and Z.-X. Shen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 93, 025006 (2021).
[2] E. Rotenberg and A. Bostwick, J. Synchrotorn Rad. 21, 1048-1056 (2014).
[3] M. Cattelan and N. A. Fox, Nanomaterials, 8, 284 (2018).
[4] H. Iwasawa, Electron. Struct. 2, 043001 (2020).
[5] H. Iwasawa et al., Phys. Rev. B, 98, 081112(R) (2018).
[6] H. Iwasawa et al., Phys. Rev. B, 99, 140510(R) (2019).
[7] H. Iwasawa et al., accepted for publication in npj Quantum Mater.

問合せ先 出田真一郎(放射光科学研究センター)