

Strongly Anisotropic Spin and Orbital Rashba Effect at a Tellurium - Noble Metal Interface

日時 2023年8月4日 (金) 13:30~14:15
場所 広島大学放射光科学研究センター 2階 セミナー室
講師 Begmuhammet Geldiyev
(University of Würzburg)

On a model-like two-dimensional square lattice formed by Te atoms on top of Au(100) surface, we investigate an interplay of lattice, spin and orbital degrees of freedom. Foremost, the atomic structure is established via scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and quantitative low-energy electron diffraction (LEED-IV) analysis. Utilizing spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), corroborated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we identify an interface state with mixed Te – p and Au – d orbital characters. The state has the band maxima at the X ̅ points of the surface Brillouin zone and features remarkably anisotropic Rashba-type spin splittings. Based on a profound symmetry and tight-binding analysis, we show how in-plane square lattice symmetry and broken inversion symmetry at the Te-Au interface together enforce a strongly anisotropic orbital Rashba effect, which in turn significantly modulates the spin splitting [1].

[1] B. Geldiyev, M. Ünzelmann, et int., H. Bentmann, and F. Reinert, Under Review (2023)

問合せ先 出田真一郎(放射光科学研究センター)