Present and Future Perspectives of Materials and Life Science Using VUV Synchrotron Radiation

Hiroshima University Faculty Club, March 2-3, 2017.

Registration and Abstract Submission


Please prepare the information requested below and submit by "e-mail" ( ; _at_==>@) with "Registration and Abstract Submission" in the subject line. We encourage you who have been using HiSOR to participate in the Symposium.

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • Paper Title
  • Address, telephone, fax and e-mail

Registration deadline is January 31, 2017.

Announcement and Invitation to Attend Poster Session

We call poster contributions on material science using HiSOR or other synchrotron radiation facilities, and physics/technology of light source. Please prepare the abstract by using the form listed below and submit it by e-mail. We plan to use the submitted abstract for the activity report of Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center in 2016 as well for those who want to use the same contents. For compilation and editing, please submit your report (abstract) in the Microsoft Word format as well as in the pdf file.

Report Form (word: 35 KB)
Report Form (PDF: 33 KB)

Deadline of abstract submission is February 10, 2017.

Flash Poster Session and Best Student Poster Award

All the students as well as other participants presenting a poster are invited to give a short oral presentation (~1 min.) in the Flash Poster Session on March 2nd. Based on both the short oral and poster presentations, “Best Student Poster Award” will be given to the winners in the Welcome Reception on March 2nd.
A PDF file (1 page) for Flash Poster Session should be submitted to the HiSOR office via e-mail ( ; _at_==>@) by Feb. 20th. Because the time for the Flash Poster Session is limited, all the PDF files will be saved in a laptop computer by the executive committee members in advance. The winners will be invited to the Welcome Reception on March 2nd. In order to notify the result to the winners, all the students are requested to send their contact information (mobile phone number, e-mail address) to the HiSOR office via e-mail upon submission of the PDF file.

Deadline for short oral presentation file is February 20, 2017.


Registration is free of charge.
If you attend the Banquet(Saijo HAKUWA hotel) on Thursday night, please pay in cash (Japanese yen only) at the registration desk.

Banquet fee
Student: 3,500 yen
Regular attendee: 5,500 yen

Important dates

Date Information
December 20, 2016 Registration and Abstract submission open
January 31, 2017 Registration deadline
February 10, 2017 Abstract submission deadline
February 20, 2017 Deadline for short oral presentation file


2-313 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, 739-0046 JAPAN
Tel. +81 82 424 6293
Fax. +81 82 424 6294